

Sunday 29 May 2011

Day Off

Today we had a much needed day off! We both managed to sleep until 8am!

After a breakfast of pineapple, watermelon, eggs, toast and matoke (plantainish things) stewed with veggies we set off for town. The guide book wasn't kidding when it said there was nothing to see in Masaka and whlie there is no great tourist attraction that doesn't mean that it isn't a beautiful and fascinating place- especially to foreigners. We walked the whole town from our hotel to the Mosque, up to the hospital and back again. We noticed large yellow banners advertising a back to school dance last night- that explained the drumming and music lulled us to sleep- wish we had known! Walking though the town I noticed banks, insurance companies, gas stations, schools, internet cafes, restaraunts, a gaming room, medical clinics, shoe repair shops. The greetings we received varied, one man walked up to us and shook our hands, but a man kicked an empty water bottle at us several times and a third yelled at us. The children greet us warmly shouting 'Mazungo' (foreigner). Birds and flowers and people here are beautiful and we spotted a few lovely butterflies today too. Hopefully we can upload a few of  Mickey's avian photographs- Mickey, Angela and Cathy are avid Ugandan bird watchers and can identify many of the birds.

There is not the same street food culture here as in South East Asia- but the fruit is delicious and varied (papaya, guava, avocado, pineapple, mini bananas, mango). Unfortunately vegetables are scare. I enhaled the 1/4 cup of cooked spinach that was a garnish with my rice and g-nut (like peanut) sauce lunch today and savoured another strawberry smoothie and carrot/raisin/pineapple salad and the Danish NGO yesterday (thanks Cathy)!  We have spent the afternoon reading. We plan to take Sat/Sun off in future so we can travel to meet Lyanne and Sarah in some other cities. Back to the ward tomorrow.

Alix and Carolyn

The coca cola distribution center. Sigh...

Maribou storks

The view from our hotel

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