

Tuesday 5 July 2011

I like boots. They make my feet feel safe.

Hello from Masaka!

As with Lyanne and Sarah, we returned 'home' on Saturday, though unfortunately we wouldn't call it a pleasant trip. We got onto the bus to go to Kampala without mishap but getting in and out of Kampala is always a disaster and so it took us an hour once we arrived in Kampala to get to bus station, and another hour once we actually left the bus station, to get out of Kampala, to Masaka. Buses schedules around here are non existent, basically buses leave when they are full so we also had to spend an hour on the bus refusing water, pop, bracelets, cellphone holders, loaves of bread and meat on a stick. In any case we finally made it to Masaka in one piece 7 hours after leaving Jinja. The joys of 3rd world travelling! We should mention that we did get quite the kick from the person sitting in front of Carolyn who kept nodding off. Finally Carolyn had to put her hand in front of her own head to prevent getting headbutted which provided a nice cushion on which this man to put his head.

The wheels on the bus go round and round...

Our two days of work in Masaka have been uneventful. Carolyn's shoes got baptized by a load of meconium stained amniotic fluid at the one delivery of the day. Thankfully she was able to borrow Prossy's boots, which lead her to remark that she liked boots because they made her feet feel safe. Unfortunately this delivery was another macerated stillbirth. Today was slightly busier with two deliveries and several assessments; however overall we hope that it will pick up a bit.

6 days left of work and then it will be time to head back home.

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