

Thursday 7 April 2011

Anti Malarials...Decisions

After my consult with the Vancouver Coastal Health Travel Clinic I am still left pondering which anti-malarial option I should choose.

Uganda is a chloroquine resistant region. Therefore, the options are

1) Doxycycline: an antibiotic taken daily beginning 2 days before entering the malarious area, while there and for 4 weeks after leaving the area. That would be 12 weeks of antibiotics!!!

Possible side effects include photosensitivity (a bid deal when you are in Uganda in the summer), yeast infection (need I say more?), nausea and abdominal pain (isn't this what I'm trying to avoid?). 

Cost $5/week=$60

2) Malarone: Taken once daily beginning 1 day before entering the malarious area, while there and for 3 days after leaving the area (8 weeks).  Side effects: basically nill.

Cost $35/week=$280

3) No prophylaxis: If I get symptoms I would take 4 tabs of Malarone a day for 3 days. The doctor said this option is NOT RECOMMENDED.

What do you think? $280 or risk sunburn, yeast and GI upset?? 
Anyone have personal experience with anti-malarials? 

Please comment!

Posted by Alix


  1. I found the malarone good by personal experience ... it was expensive, but peace of mind without side effects. Definitely echo not recommending #3!!!
    Bring a sleeping net if you can, one that has been treated. That will help cut down the chances of malaria.

  2. (I have a net if you guys want one, though I don't know if I can make it out before May to give it to Lyanne...)

  3. I used malarone, took it with food and had absolutely no side effects. If you can afford it, I'd go with that option.
    Bug net very important, but every place I stayed in Uganda had mosquito nets...would not necessarily worry about this one as they are pretty standard in this country (at least where you'll be staying!).
    Also, thank you for starting a blog...reminds me I need to make time to do this as well :-)

  4. Thanks for your input! Anyone taken Doxycycline?

  5. A friend of mine did and she got discolouration of her face under her eyes and on her upper lip. Other than that no other side effects, and no malaria.

  6. An update on coverage with the UBC Student Health Plan:

    Under the AMS/GSS Health and Dental Plan, PMS-DOXYCYCLINE 100MG TABLET (DIN 02289466) is eligible at 80 percent of the provincially listed price. This drug can be claimed up to a 34 day supply, per claim. If a generic equivalent is available, consideration will be based on the cost of the generic rather than the cost of the brand name.

    Kindly note that MALARONE TABLET (DIN 02238151) is not covered under this plan as standard.
