

Friday 8 April 2011

Shanti Uganda Jewelry Fundraiser- Host a Homeparty

UBC Midwifery Students for Global Citizenship
The UBC Midwifery Program has a global placement to facilitate student's learning about health care in other countries, learning to work in settings with few resources, & working alongside midwives from other cultures. This summer four 3rd year students will spend 7 weeks in Uganda. Students fundraise to purchase medical supplies to donate to the hospitals where we work. Supplies include gloves, oxytocin (to prevent and treat postpartum hemorrhage), IV supplies etc. 

The Jewelry
Shanti Uganda jewelry is made with recycled paper beads created by HIV+ mothers in a women’s income generating group. Prices range from $5 for earrings, $10 for bracelets, $20 for necklaces.

Shanti Uganda Society
The Shanti Uganda Society is a Vancouver based registered Canadian Charity that runs a birth house and midwifery training centre in Northern Uganda. They also offer health workshops for teen girls, washable menstrual pad kits (so girls don’t have to miss school), a community garden, a women’s income generating group and a scholarship program.

Hosting a Home Party
Hosting a Home Part is a wonderful way to help contribute to improving birth experiences for the women in Uganda at no cost to you. Proceeds are split 60% to Shanti Uganda and 40% to UBC Students for Global Citizenship. Hosts are an integral part of our fundraising effort in improving infant and maternal health in Uganda. Students are available to attend parties in the lower mainland.

How to:

  • Contact Alix at
  • We will provide you with
    • An email Invitation template
    • Posters
    • A variety of jewelry
    • a student speaker for the event
    • a powerpoint slideshow about Students for Global Citizenship 

  • Send your invites and put up posters at your workplace, school, church etc, make it an event of Facebook, tweet! Remind friends to bring cash or cheques!
  • There's really no right or wrong way to display your Shanti products, but we highly recommend you take them out of the box and get creative! It's important that you make it easy for guests to view the jewellery, so use tables and counters that are high enough for comfortable browsing. You can spice up an old table with a nice fabric, cover over-turned bowls with cloth to create depth, use wine glasses to display earrings– the possibilities are endless!
  • get change for those who bring cash and decide where you are going to put payments when you receive them (fanny pack, ziplock). Have some pens on hand for cheque writers.
  • Some other creative ideas you may wish to use for your party include
    • compile an African playlist on your itunes
    • serve an African recipe or have an African themed potluck
For More Information...

UBC Midwifery Students for Global Citizenship

Shanti Uganda Society

Posted by Alix

1 comment:

  1. Nice post!! Good to go through it. Planning an amazing fundraising event at one of event space San Francisco. I and my best friend will host it. Have made great plans for the day. Want to plan everything really best for the event.
