

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Post-abortion Care in Uganda & Millenium Development Goal 5

First of all- let me define abortion in midwifery speak. 

Abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception (the fetus or embryo) from the uterus.Abortions may be induced (i.e. therapeutic abortion) or spontaneous (i.e. miscarriage).

Any kind of abortion is a health concern. A 1992-1993 study in Kampala (the capital of Uganda) hospitals found that 21% of maternal deaths were due to abortion-related complications. Post-abortion care can help to prevent these deaths and is particularly relevant in countries like Uganda where induced abortion is illegal or restricted. 

Induced abortion is illegal in Uganda.  This can impair post-abortion care in several ways:
1) Surgical treatment of incomplete abortions involves the same techniques as therapeutic abortion. There is fear that if healthcare providers are trained in these techniques and have the supplies that they will provide therapeutic abortions illegally. Therefore training and supplies may be restricted.
2) Health care providers may assume women presenting at hospital with post-abortion complications have attempted a therapeutic abortion and may delay or deny treatment based on this assumption. This means that whether a woman has had an induced or spontaneous abortion she may have trouble accessing care.

Millennium Development Goal 5 aims to reduce the 1990 level of maternal mortality by 75% by 2015. The major direct causes of maternal mortality are well documented and include unsafe induced abortion.Post-abortion care is a key component to meeting Millennium Development Goal 5 as is discussed in commentary by RamaRao et al published in the most recent International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive HealthComprehensive post-abortion care includes emergency treatment, family planning and STI/HIV services and community empowerment.

Midwives in Uganda and several other African countries have been trained to provide post-abortion care. While in Uganda I (Alix) will conducting interview on midwives and post-abortion care for my 4th year thesis paper.  

Posted by Alix

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