

Monday 20 June 2011

Mbale: a few days late

So this post is way behind and is my post about my couple of days in Mbale. There is not a whole lot to say but I wanted to post something. It was an interesting experience to work in a different hospital. The hospital in Mbale seems to be busier what with me attending 3 births, Alix 2, and Lyanne 2. It is also way more organized with easily accesible charts for every woman which was a total pleasure. It is unbelievably exhausting to try to find missing charts. Two of the 3 births were uneventful but the third one was an intense experience. Everyone had gone to a c-section and I was left by myself in the ward. A woman began to crown just as Alix arrived. The baby needed resus and then mother began to have a massive PPH at the same time. I began to resuscitate while Alix began to deal with the PPH. Luckily Angela arrived soon after and was able to bring some medication. This was a scary experience for me and was a lesson in humility. The first two births of the day had been straightforward and because everyone was busy I basically acted as the 1st and 2nd midwife with no difficulties. This last one was not a birth that could be handled on its own and I shudder at what would have happened had Alix not come when she did. There were of course local midwives around, but they too, were busy. Lesson learnt: make sure you find someone that can act as your 2nd.

The next day I decided to take the day off and went to Mt. Elgon using public transport. Public transport here is always an adventure as the drivers will cram as many people as possible in their car and will stop every couple of minutes until the car is full. I arrived and found a guide to take me around to the falls through the little villages. It was a very pleasant day. The Mt. Elgon area is also known for its male circumcision rituals. The people there are open to tourists coming and watching, but this wasn't my cup of tea. In any case, the ritual goes something like this, the boy decides between the ages of 16 and 26 to get cirumicised. By doing this, he is announcing his intention to marry. Before the ritual begins, the villagers get together and basically have a free-for-all orgy. Seriously. Then the boys line up while others dance and get circumcised by a man using the same razor blade for everyone. It is important to not cry out as this will shame your family. It should come as no suprise that the rate of HIV increases exponentially 3 months later.


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