

Saturday 4 June 2011

Trade Show!

Today was our first real day off since arriving in Uganda.

We started the morning off by heading for the local "Trade Show" with Commissionaire Monica, who heads up the nursing department at the hospital in Mbale. We had no idea, going in, what a Trade Show might be; it turns out it’s Mbale’s version of the PNE. There was a midway with ride (one of those swing rides – we didn’t ride it, mostly because we couldn’t figure out how the lineup worked), tents with vendors selling crafts, clothing, and all the same items that seem to turn up at local markets, and a food section with all the local standards for street food: fried dough, samosas, and the trusty rolex. There was also an animal exhibit. It cost an extra 1000 shillings to get in, and it featured two leopards, several monkeys, tropical birds, an ostrich, and a large snake, all in cages. There was also a hot and sleepy looking camel on a rope, and an empty cage; it seems the lion wasn’t feeling well enough to be on display today. The trade show only happens a couple of times a year, and it is clearly a highlight for local kids. The drive to the trade show was equally interesting, as we drove through a small village (subdivision?) that consisted of small, round, thatch-roofed homes surrounding a central dump; the dump was clearly the pasture for all of the local cows. Commissionaire Monica told us that the village population was mostly refugees who have been displaced by nearby wars.

After the Trade Show, we spent the afternoon relaxing in the sun at the pool at the local Fancy Expensive Hotel, and then having dinner in their restaurant. The highlight: the bathrooms featured toilet seats, running water, and soap! Pure luxury!

One of the quirky things in Mbale is that local businesses are perpetually unable to make change, especially for larger bills. This becomes problematic quickly, because bank machines only give us big bills, and any small bills we do manage to acquire end up disappearing as soon as we buy our next meal.

Tomorrow’s plan: Sipi Falls at Mount Elgon!

Posted by Lyanne and Sarah

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